Lower Control Arm Reinforcement (LCAR)
After seeing multiple incidences of failure at the ball joint end of the factory 3rd gen 4Runner lower control arms, Eimkeith designed a system of reinforcement plates to combat cracking from hard & repeated upward compression.
The issue is that while the LBJ support arm is forged and pretty stout, the arm itself is formed sheet steel – and when the bump stop meets the frame, the sheet steel is supposed to stop the upward travel of the wheel/LBJ. Over time and hard use, it cracks.
This kit includes 4 parts for each arm (only one kit needed for both LCAs):
One upper reinforcement, to tie the ball joint arm directly to the bump stop mount.
Two lower reinforcements. One adds triangulation from the bottom of the ball joint arm, the other acts as a "skid plate" on the front side of the arm to decrease resistance and add strength as your LCA slides up and over obstacles.
A limit strap tab with shock mount bolt, to prevent overstress of the coil bucket and damage to your coilovers.
NOTICE! If you are looking for a prebuilt reinforced LCA option, tap HERE.
*The LCAR kit should fit 1st gen Tacomas with modification to the swaybar bracket (clearanced for the upper reinforcement plate).